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Allow time for meetings, exchanges, sharing with the public, and stakeholders in local life

Offer conferences, debates, film screenings ...

Create links between the population, the people crossing our territory and our environment

  • Offer experimentation, body / space discovery workshops, open to all
  • Develop the practice of Body Weather (manipulations, dance, walks, landscape practices)

  • Offer internships

  • interventions outside: third places, structures, associations, ..

  • Public openings: leaving residences, end of internships ...

Body Weather manipulation workshops

Body Weather, or body meteorology, was founded by dancer MinTanaka, and initially developed in Japan, within his Cie Maijuku, in the 1980s.

Manipulations are structured and progressive work, with a partner, centered on breathing, stretching, alignment and relaxation.
This work questions the limits of our own body, as well as those of our partners, and of space.
It is a tool for self-discovery, like an entry into dance creation and performance.

I myself have been practicing manipulations for over 25 years, as well as Body Weather, which was transmitted to me by the dancers of the Cie.
Maijuku (C. Quoiraud, F. Van de Ven, and Oguri)
Today I would like to share it, by widening its field of action to “non-dancers”, in order to make known all the richness and the benefit that it can bring to the body and the spirit.

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The Walked danced



As we walk the paths, we experience the landscape. We take the space of walking as a scenic space,
we take attentive, poetic, generous walks ... make walking an artistic act.You will play with your
sensations and your imagination. Each dance walk will address a theme related to the senses (touching, looking, listening, taste, smell).

A guided 3 km loop will be punctuated with proposals.
The walk is punctuated by small improvisations nourished by all the sensory, visual, olfactory, auditory memories, stored on
the path.

The 3 times (manipulations, dance, walk) follow one another in different orders each time, and feed off each other.

The public is invited to reconnect with the landscape, with the surrounding environment, in a sensitive and poetic way.


Improvisation and composition in real time





These are immersion times of 2 to 5 days (12 to 30 hours of practice) with professional artists, in a field always linking the body to nature and the other arts.

Parent / child dance workshops

For children from 4 to 11 years old, accompanied by an adult, parent, grandparent ....
The workshop is an opportunity to live a time of exchange and discovery with your

child, through dance movement.
Let yourself be guided and slide into this fun and artistic moment, in pairs.
Treat yourself to this parenthesis through play, and other forms of contact, where
listening, looking, imagination ... will be at the heart of the sharing.
France will offer you an exchange space where you can let yourself be taken on board
by the spontaneity of your child, and where the play of the senses will put you in a
creation and dance!

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